Cedar Babies


    Half of all proceeds go to buying land for reforestation. For every song purchased we give $1 back.

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    Cedar Babies (Cedrus)

    Origins: Lebanon

    It’s amazing how this majestic giving tree starts off as little seedlings. Listening to Cedar Babies Song is a joyous experience, full of wonder and delight.

    The Cedar tree expresses great spiritual strength. The fragrance has been considered stimulating to the psychic centers at sacred places, where one may use Cedar to bring out their own psychic abilities. Cedar clears out negative energies and also bring in the good spirits, much like sage. Cedar is burned during meditations and prayers. It is believed that the prayers rise upon the Cedar smoke and are carried to the Universe. Listen to Cedar Babies Song to encourage your manifestations to grow in a nurtured way. Listen to Cedar Song during your meditations to take you deeper.

    As you sit with Cedar Song, visualize yourself sitting in the midst of your life, as you watch it unfold the way you’ve dreamed.

    Medicinally, Cedar promotes immune function through helping white blood cells to work better. Cedar stimulates the immune cells to fight infection. Cedar denatures cancer cells and aids in respiratory function by helping to delete infections.

    When feeling illness coming on, listen to Cedar Song. Consider these words: As I sit with Cedar Song, I welcome the benefits it offers to my health and well-being. I am vibrating on the same frequency as Cedar Song so it may move through my body to help restore my heath. May my body accept the benefits offered and flourish into a path of wellness.


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