Banana Tree Leaf


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    Banana Tree (Musa)

    Origins: Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, and New Guinea

    This amazing tree offers itself in all aspects to those in need of healing and love. From its fruit to its leaves and the fluids that dwell within this amazing tree, it is here to soothe and heal. Banana is of the feminine She. She has symbolized beauty, prosperity and is considered the reincarnation of the goddesses Parvati (loving wife) and Lakshmi, Goddess of Beauty. She is the feeder of the imagination.

    Magical Properties:

    Resilience through change, Luck, Wealth and Spirituality, Increased sexual stamina, Goddess Symbol, protection, and offers enjoyment of travel. Stimulates connection to the Divine.

    When listening to Banana Song, we offer you these words. Seep into me Banana Song, bring your femininity of Goddess Divine. Sit with me as I wind through this life and these new changes. Let me feel your connection to all that is and let that change continue from here forward. I welcome you.

    Also, consider these words. I hold my body in high esteem and am open to healing in all fashions. I honor my body and mind and give thanks to the healing taking place within.

    Medical Properties: The following are things the banana tree has been known to be good for:

    The fruit: anemia (high iron content in fruit), digestion, memory, depression, ulcers, morning sickness, heartburn, has high levels of potassium, and it makes a great facial when mashed.

    The peel: warts, bites and stings and swelling associated with them.

    The stem: cooked as a vegetable in India and eaten with rice. Known to be rich in potassium, B6 and used for HBP. It also maintains fluid balance in the body, is used as a detox and diuretic. Has also been used for kidney stones.

    The leaves: used to wrap food in preparation for steaming or grilling.

    The flower: has been used for bronchitis, constipation, ulcers, menses cramps, and has antioxidant properties.


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