Christmas Cactus


    Half of all proceeds go to buying land for reforestation. For every song purchased we give $1 back.

    SKU: 00007R Categories: ,


    Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera) (Mexico)
    This lovely cactus blooms when most other plants are dormant. This plant’s vibrational frequency whispers hope in the midst of darkness. She sings of resilience and the desire for loyalty when everything else flees.  She sings of standing strong and unwavering when all others have gone.

    Sit with Christmas Cactus Song and feel her move through your veins. Feel the strength she offers and harness it within yourself.  This is the song of inner strength. Let her light the darkness around you with hope. Let her song remind you of the knowledge, resilience, and wisdom you carry within your soul.  The Christmas Cactus sings to your soul like no other. Enjoy!

    Medicinal Uses: This plant belongs in bedrooms. This beautiful plant releases an abundance of oxygen throughout the night and helps purify the air. This can help create a good night’s sleep which tends to offer more energy and mental clarity. This plant is also used for skin disorders, in some cosmetics, and has been known to be used for stomach issues and menstrual troubles. As always, do your research and check in with your healthcare provider before ingesting any herbs.



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