Half of all proceeds go to buying land for reforestation. For every song purchased we give $1 back.
Taro (Colocasia esculenta)
Origins: India
This is the plant of responsibility to the earth and all that it is. Taro offers a connection to the past and reminds us of our responsibility to the future and how important it is to not only care for the land. It also reminds us of the importance of connecting deeply to the land, and thus connecting with Mother Earth and all that she is.
When listening to Taro Song, you may be inspired to go outside and take a walk-in nature and truly listen to what you are being told. Taro Song may guide you to a certain place or may offer you thoughts or an overview of how you may be able to help create a healthier environment.
As you listen to Taro Song, let your mind relax and feel the song take you where you need to go. Allow Taro Song to encourage you to become connected on a more intimate level with your yard, the park by your apartment building. You might live in the forest, the mountains or by the ocean and if you do, allow Taro Song to help you build a deeper connection to that part of the earth, let the earth speak to you and tell you what it needs. You can help.
Medicinal Properties:
Taro is rich in fiber and other nutrients. Taro also may be good for high blood sugar, gut and hearth health. May also have anticancer fighting properties, weight loss properties.
Taro is versatile and there are many ways to prepare it in the kitchen, from chips to stews this lovely plant offers so much. NOTE: Not To Be Eaten Raw.