Parsley with Crystal Singing Bowls and Healing Tuning Forks


    Half of all proceeds go to buying land for reforestation. For every song purchased we give $1 back.

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    Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)

    Origins: Eastern Mediterranean

    This vibrating plant offers a lovely song, as it all about the heart chakra. If one experiences feelings of fear, anger, lack of, hatred and/or jealousy, then the heart charka is out of balance. To regain the beautiful balance that the heart thrives on then listening to Parsley Song may encourage your heart have feelings of love, compassion, gratitude, abundance and empathy.

    Parsley has been said to provide protection, as well as to enhance psychic ability, divination, wealth and abundance. Parsley also has many vitamins and nutrients as well as lowers the risk for certain cancers.

    Listening to Parsley Song may encourage your body to vibrate in a balanced manner.

    One mantra as you listen to Parsley Song might be: I give myself permission to let go of all that does not serve my heart. Another might be: With compassion and gratitude, I embrace and offer empathy to the process of healing.

    In this blend, Crystal Singing Bowls and Solfeggio Tuning Forks accompany Parsley Song. Everything in our Universe is made of vibrations. When sound moves through the atmosphere and touches us, it causes our cells to move in different directions and at different speeds. The Singing Bowls emit a healing matrix of sound that harmonizes the body’s deep systems. Here, the bowls are joined by tuning forks also focusing on the heart chakra.


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