

    Half of all proceeds go to buying land for reforestation. For every song purchased we give $1 back.

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    Poppy (Papaver oriental)

    Origins: Lower Mesopotamia

    This lovely magical flower is considered to be feminine in action, resonates with the moon and holds the element of water. It is said the Poppy is considered useful in any type of ritual, and it has been used in spells for fertility, agricultural abundance, love, sleep money, luck and invisibility. The variety that Poppy holds is vast, bold and fragile all at the same time.

    Medicinal properties: Although oriental poppy seeds have been used as a condiment, they have also been considered poisonous if ingested. Thus, caution is advised if one chooses to ingest the oriental poppy. We suggest not ingesting this plant.

    Poppy Song loves to sing and share its vast variant tones. Listen to Poppy Song for a quick pick me up of energy. One may consider listening to Poppy Song during ritual and full moons as well as bath times. Poppy Song loves to be heard and enjoys being a part of your wealth rituals. While listening to Poppy Song, you may let your mind drift with these thoughts: My life is abundant in all ways I prefer. The Universe brings to me all that I ask for as Poppy Song vibrates within me and through me. May my life be surrounded with all that my spirit needs to grow.
