Half of all proceeds go to buying land for reforestation. For every song purchased we give $1 back.
Australian Canna Lily Song (canna indica) (Eastern Australian and Tropical America)
This lovely Canna Lily is all about strength. Strength in oneself and one’s ability to be fearless and strong in adversarial times. The Canna Lily resonates and vibrates to allow one to see their own beauty that dwells deep within. Canna Lily is also about protection of the core of oneself. Delve deep into your core as your higher self protects and stands guard while you do deep mental, emotional, and spiritual work.
Listen to Canna Lily Song when you are delving into the deepest corners of your spirit to gain wisdom and understanding. Canna Lily Song may offer you the strength you need to uncover those dark corners as you process aspects of your life. As you sit in deep meditation with Canna Lily Song let your heart hear the love and gratitude you have for all that you are becoming. May you gain strength to step away from that which does not serve you any longer. May Canna Lily Song move through you and be your aid in this time of inner work.
Medicinal Uses: Canna lily root has been used to treat excessive menses and gonorrhea as well as dysentary and diarrhea. The flowers are edible and make a delightful attribute to the salad and have been used to treat malaria. The tender young shoots have been harvested and cooked and eaten in place of asparagus. Canna Lily has also been used for some of the following: headaches, hepatitis, nose bleeds, sore throats, fevers, and earaches. As always, do your research and talk with your health care provider before ingesting any plants for medicinal uses.